How to install?

Quickstart boilerplate is already provided on a github repository. To use that, please follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your bash environment
    MacOS and Linux users can continue to the next step. If you are Windows user, using WSL is highly recommended because Command Prompt and Powershell are quite different. Thus, potential problem is high on future development. There is an official WSL installation tutorial to follow. For Windows 8.1 or older, use cygwin instead.
  2. Clone via git
    For installing quickstart boilerplate, just clone via git with this command:
    git clone
  3. Start your favorite IDE
    Now you can choose fiwl-quickstart as project directory for your IDE. If you are using VSCode, enter this command:
    code ./fiwl-quickstart

When the IDE shown correctly, let's start learning on the next page.