How to use?


BEFORE YOU BEGIN: We assume you have been understand intermediate skill of JavaScript. If not, please learn from basic first.

When developing web app with FIWL, we need to maintain these 3 files:

  1. main.fiwl :
    Your app's first entrance. Another stages (or pages in HTML term) will be represented by *.fiwl.
  2. style.varl :
    Change default appearance of widgets. It's optional, but really useful if you have to keep text size and color in tone.
  3. manifest.json :
    Inform overall app information. Including app name, app description, metadata for SEO, custom first entrance, custom resource directory, and more.

Understanding main.fiwl#

Detail explanation for each highlight color:

  • White: Stage Parameter
    This is the place where you put stage (or page in HTML term) information including title and description.
  • Pink: Layout
    This is where you put and arrange available widgets. The topmost widget is called Root Layout and it must extends Layout class. Widgets inside a layout are called contents. Every Layout is responsible for arranging its contents. Do not confuse content with container, we will discuss this on guide section.
  • Green: Script / Event tags
    When you need to run script, use <script>...</script> or <event on="...">...</event>. Keep in mind that script will be executed right after .fiwl file parsed whereas event executed on specified condition as example "ready" and "draw". Further information on guide section.

All attributes are case-sensitive. Special for Layout and its contents, their tag name is also case-sensitive

Running the App#

To run the app, we need to simulate web server. You could use any web server including node http-server, apache, and nginx. For now, let's use the easiest way (node http-server).

  1. Make sure you are currently at correct directory
    If you follow from beginning, you are now at fiwl-quickstart directory and safe to jump to the next step. Otherwise, locate to the cloned repository directory using "cd" command.
  2. Install required programs
    Enter commands below on bash terminal:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install npm
    sudo npm install -g http-server
  3. Start http-server
    You have to run command as below everytime you resume developing FIWL app:
    http-server . -p 8080
    To stop http-server, hit CTRL+C while on terminal. Run command above to start http-server again.
  4. Open your browser
    When the http-server is ready, enter link below to your browser's URL box: